- Created by: georgiasadler
- Created on: 03-04-14 18:06
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- System of rules governing how words and sentences are constructed
- Morphology
- Structure of words
- Many words are made up of two or more meaning elements called morphemes
- e.g. 'train' is a morpheme
- the 's' on 'trains' is a morpheme as it changes the meaning
- Words that have more than one morpheme usually consist of a root word and one or more affixes
- Root word - word to add affix to
- Affix - prefix/suffix - before/after
- e.g. 'necessary' is toot word 'unnecessary' 'un' is prefix (before)
- Syntax
- Structure of sentences
- Word classes (8 main ones)
- Noun - naming word
- Verb - doing word
- Adverb - describes verb
- Adjective - describes noun
- Pronoun - takes place of noun
- Conjunctions - connecting words
- Prepositions - define relationships
- Determiners - specific information about a noun
- Co-ordinating conjunctions - make compound sentences
- Subordinating conjunctions - create subordinate clauses (complex sentences)
- Preposition - define relationship between words e.g. underneath, through, on, under
- A sentence is a group of words that make sense on their own
- Sentence types
- Subject + verb
- Two or more simple sentences joined by a coordinating conjunction that make sense on their own
- Two simple sentences with a main clause and subordinating clause
- Main clause will make sense on its own, subordinate clause wont
- Complete and meaningful
- Don't have a subject or a verb
- Sentence functions
- Interrogative - question
- Declarative - statement
- Exclamative - exclamations
- Imperatives- command
- Auxilary verbs
- 'helper' verbs
- Work in a sentence to change the tense, mood, or voice of another verb
- be, do, have
- Modal verbs work as auxiliary verbs - can, could, might, must, should, will, would
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