gramp for news broadcast nea
- Created by: lottie2323
- Created on: 09-06-23 09:53
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- Genre- a news broadcast
- need to be formally structured in order to present facts clearly
- will involve people who are not of the BBC ingroup
- will do live interviews meaning that presenters need to be prepared and in control if something goes wrong
- often the main way that people discover tings about the world- a window to the outer world
- Audience- mainstream public
- needs to adhere to the the majority of the publics views
- aimed at adults and young adults, doesnt need to explain things in a way that a child would understand
- high expectations of the bbc as they rely on them to be a window to the outside world
- BBC attract well informed citizens who like to stay updated with the world
- Mode- spoken
- news readers can use pragmatic features to express their tone- more difficult in the written mode
- news readers are not able to make repairs and corrections to what they say
- Purpose- to inform the public
- people in a modern era may be using differentsources to get information (tiktok) which may not be accurate to BBC needs to show that they are better
- need to facilitate the public discourse and stay up to date with the latest events
- need to provide context for events as opposed to just stating the facts
- build trust and credibility
- Genre- a news broadcast
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