Grandpa's Soup
Mindmap for analysing "Grandpa's soup" by Jackie Kay
- Created by: emily_w
- Created on: 23-04-14 17:06
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- Grandpa's Soup
- Word choice
- "Grandpa"
- term used by children to establish childlike narration
- informal, good relationship with granddad
- "wee", "hough"
- Scottish dialect terms
- strong sense of regional identity
- poet's happy memories of Scotland associated with grandfather
- "Grandpa"
- Grammar
- repetition of "and" at starts of lines in first stanza
- childlike speech patterns
- Kay is recalling memories honestly
- enthusiasm
- future tense in second stanza
- adds poigancy
- grandfather knew that Kay would associate soup with happy memories
- Coda
- set in isolation
- poigancy--poet is struggling to recall name of barley because memories of soup and grandfather are fading
- "best soup in the whole world"
- hyperbole
- childlike expression
- repetition of "and" at starts of lines in first stanza
- Figurative language
- "a rich island in the middle of the soup sea"
- fantastical imagery
- reinforces childlike perspective
- soup as metaphor
- time spent in Scotland
- homely, warm and unpretentious
- "a rich island in the middle of the soup sea"
- Sound patterning
- rhyme of Scottish dialect to convey happy memories
- Form and structure
- dash:"wee soft bits--"
- followed by interrogatives
- mimic speech/give poem naturalistic feel
- dash:"wee soft bits--"
- Context
- CoP
- poet was adopted so identity may be very important to her
- CoP
- Links
- Text 2
- happy/sad memories
- childhood
- Text 5
- Happy/sad memories
- cultural/personal identity
- Text 2
- Word choice
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