Graphical Techniques
We use graphs to identify differences, show/ decribe spatial patterns, identify relationships/ correlations/ anomolies and to classify data.
But what is the value and usefulness of various geographical techniques? Applications/ strengths/ weaknesses etc.
- Created by: Bethany
- Created on: 08-04-14 17:31
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- Graphical Techniques
- Arithmetic Line Graphs
- Practical Applications
- Demographic Transition Model (DMT) to show population change over time
- Can show death rate, birth rate and total population
- Population Change for a specific place e.g. Hull
- Demographic Transition Model (DMT) to show population change over time
- Usefulness
- Excellent for showing change over time including trends/ patterns for different data (DMT involves three sets)
- Simple and easy to draw
- Working out the appropriate scale on the x-axis (independant variable) can be difficult.
- Both raw data and transformed data (e.g. % figures) can be plotted.
- Practical Applications
- Logarithmic Line Graphs
- Practical Applications
- World population growth over time (scale would have to go to 7 billion)
- Hjulstrom Curve
- Usefulness
- Excellent Technique for showing a large spread of data that is difficult to display otherwise
- Can be easily misinterpreted at first glance. Two parallel lines may have very different trends.
- Problems if plotted point crosses area where scale increments change
- Practical Applications
- Bar charts/ graphs
- Practical Applications
- Average number of people visiting Beverley Town Centre on different days of the week.
- Usefulness
- Very easy to construct quickly
- Easy to interpret
- Can use for raw data and %
- Works less well wih a wide data spread - largest bars are too big or the smallest to small
- Bars can be comparative
- Practical Applications
- Compound Bar Graph
- Practical Applications
- % breakdown by sector of primary, secondary, tertiary etc. (employment statistics)
- Usefulness
- More visually effective than a number of separate bars.
- Doesn't work as well if bar is divided up into many sections e.g 10+
- Works well with % as all values will add up to 100
- Practical Applications
- Cross Sections
- Practical Applications
- Profile of a sand dune (psammosere)
- Usefulness
- Give a clear, visual, understanding of relief
- Scale is crucial to prevent the cross section becoming distorted and misleading.
- Practical Applications
- Kite Diagrams
- Practical Applications
- The % cover of sea couch along a sand dune transect
- Usefulness
- Good way of showing change over distance that is easy to interpret
- Good for simple comparisons of distrabution e.g. plant species types.
- Practical Applications
- Radial Diagrams
- Usefulness
- Useful for data with a directional component
- Can only be used where the scale around the circumference is continuous e.g. bearings
- Practical Applications
- Showing traffic flow over time
- Usefulness
- Scattergraphs
- Practical Applications
- % marks in geography and physics.
- Usefulness
- Can only show two data sets
- Easy to see anomolies
- Easy to identify correllations/ relationships
- Ineffecitve with large data spreads
- Can use log scales
- Practical Applications
- Triangular Graphs
- Usefulness
- Can only work with 3 variables - restictive
- Hard to read/ construct
- Excellent to see clusters of values
- Practical Applications
- Soil study - % clay, sand, loam in different areas
- Usefulness
- Arithmetic Line Graphs
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