Greek Religion modern scolarship
- Created by: rrjjjkkk
- Created on: 24-05-24 09:00
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- Greek Religion
- personal experience
- Edelstein
- [Healing Cults] This experience... Provided the most convincing evidence for the belief in gods
- Mylonas
- Their revelation was the most important part of the celebration
- Kindt
- Greeks didn't have corresponding words for public and private
- Edelstein
- Olympians
- Griffin
- Really impressive gods
- Mikalson
- Relationship was based on honour rather than love
- Kirk
- all sorts of not heroic qualities are allowed to enter the lives of the gods'
- Griffin
- society
- Burkert
- For women, the Thesmophoria represents one the opportunity to leave the family and home, not only all day but all night
- United through religion
- Neils
- The very route chosen for the Panathenaic procession shows that the presentation was the most public and civic of rituals
- [amphora] these transportable civic symbols publicised Athens as powerful, divinely favoured and wealthy
- Zaidman
- Inseparability of festivals from the very definition of Greek civic life
- Scott
- It was no longer principally a religious association: it has usurped the role for political congress
- Burkert
- places of worship
- Rhodes
- The most sacred buildings of the Acropolis are the temples
- [Pericles' building programme] It represents the resurrection of Athens' religious heart from the ashes of war
- Roberts
- This relationship was symbolised by the peplos
- Scott
- Ash altar... Defines the sanctuary's Panhellenic religious character
- Rhodes
- rituals and priests
- Naiden
- Sacrifice served to maintain and stabilise the relationship
- Scott
- the Pythia priestesses have taken the secrets of that process to the grave
- Burkert
- The shared aggression of a sacrificial killing actually led to the founding of a community
- Naiden
- philosophy
- Aston
- Homer was a powerful source of cohesion when it came to religion and ideas about the gods
- Herrmann
- Socrates' questioning of common concepts shown in Plato's dialogues forms the trend which questions traditional beliefs
- Aston
- personal experience
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