Personal Hygiene
- Created by: parisallen02
- Created on: 08-08-17 22:20
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- Personal Hygiene
- Good personal hygiene is essential for good health.
- Examples of good hygiene
- Washing your hands regularly
- Flushing the toilet
- Every time its used
- Brushing your teeth regularly
- Twice a day
- Wearing clean clothes
- Everyday
- Throwing away food that falls on the floor
- Bathing/ Showering
- Everyday washing all your body and washing your hair every two days
- Using a tissue when sneezing and coughing
- Prevent the spread of germs
- Possible effects of poor personal hygiene
- Physical Effects
- Catching of disease or infections
- Athletes foot
- Diarrhoea
- Spreading of diseases and infections
- Athletes foot
- Diarrhoea
- Bad Odour
- B.O
- Bad breath
- Catching of disease or infections
- Emotional and social effects
- Loss of friends
- Social isolation
- Loss of friends
- Poor self-esteem
- Social isolation
- Social isolation
- Poor confidence
- Bullying
- Poor self-esteem
- Poor confidence
- Poor self-esteem
- Unemployment
- Physical Effects
- This can effect all aspects of development
- Physical
- Can cause health problems
- Social
- Loss of friends
- Not wanting to attend work/school
- Emotional
- Poor confidence/ self-esteem
- Due to bullying
- Not wanting to attend work/school
- Emotional
- Poor confidence/ self-esteem
- Due to bullying
- Due to bullying
- Poor confidence/ self-esteem
- Intellectual
- If not attending work/school = loss of cognitive skills
- Emotional
- Not wanting to attend work/school
- Due to bullying
- Poor confidence/ self-esteem
- Intellectual
- If not attending work/school = loss of cognitive skills
- Emotional
- Not wanting to attend work/school
- Loss of friends
- Physical
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