Growth in support, 1029-32
- Created by: cassiarh01
- Created on: 05-03-18 17:57
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- Growth in support, 1929-32
- Wall Street Crash, USA, October 1929 - US companies lost billions in value overnight. Banks & businesses were ruined, worldwide depression resulted
- US stopped lending money to Germany and demanded all loans to be repaid
- German Businesses - had to pay back loans, received no more investment from the US, paid increased taxes to government
- German Government - couldn't borrow money from US, refused to print more money, increased taxes, cute in unemployment benefit, workers had wages cut, some lost jobs
- German people - businesses reduced staff/closed, millions of workers & farm labourers lost jobs, young ppl - badly affected by job losses, with no work, and benefits slashed, families suffered terrible poverty
- German Businesses - had to pay back loans, received no more investment from the US, paid increased taxes to government
- German people - businesses reduced staff/closed, millions of workers & farm labourers lost jobs, young ppl - badly affected by job losses, with no work, and benefits slashed, families suffered terrible poverty
- US stopped lending money to Germany and demanded all loans to be repaid
- Hitler Appeal
- Hitler was a strong leader
- His image appeared on most publicity material
- He travelled around the country giving speeches and talking on the radio
- The party adopted modern technology - used areoplanes
- How the depression benefited Hitler
- Economic problems
- Unemployement
- Dissatistaction with weak Weimar government
- Increased membership of extreme left and right wing parties
- Dissatistaction with weak Weimar government
- Unemployement
- Support for the Communist Party grew during this period but the Nazi party grew faster. Support for the Communist Party was mainly from the working classes living in cities who wanted a party that could protect their jobs/wages
- Economic problems
- Hitlers Propaganda; he persuaded
- Business people that he could solve the economic crisis
- Working-class people that he could give them work and food
- Middle-class people that he could protect them from the communists, solve the economic crisis and return Germany to traditional values
- Rural communities that he could protect them from the communists - might seize their land
- Young people to join him by providing something exciting for them to be part of
- Women that the Nazis were the best party to save the nation and their families
- Wall Street Crash, USA, October 1929 - US companies lost billions in value overnight. Banks & businesses were ruined, worldwide depression resulted
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