Harold Macmillan's Premiership
A summary of Harold Macmillan's premiership.
- Created by: B_R_D
- Created on: 17-03-14 17:45
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- Harold Macmillan's Premiership 1957-63
- Very much a consensus politician
- Prepared to modify the traditional values of the Conservatives
- Racial tensions in the UK heightened
- The 1960s saw high immigration
- Notting Hill riots in 1958
- End of empire
- Decolonisation
- 'the wind of change'
- Southern Rhodesia
- Decolonisation
- Racial tensions in the UK heightened
- Government can be criticised on failure to pick up consensus properly; not enough infrastructure development
- Prepared to modify the traditional values of the Conservatives
- Macmillan's various Chancellors carried on the consensus economics; operating a mixed economy, following - loosely - Keynsianism
- Generally a time of 'stop-go' economics; sudden tax rises and cuts to control spending
- Consumer goods became widespread as Britain became more affluent
- Many in Macmillan's gvt. thought Britain was becoming rich
- 'most [Britons] have never had it so good' - Macmillan
- Focus on private housebuilding
- Although the government continued the consensus aim of full employment. Unemployment rose by over 150,000 during Macmillan's premiership; was it really so good for people?
- Education policy; controversial?
- The de-mantling of the three-tier (secondary-modern, sec.-grammar, sec.-technical) proved controversial
- Very much a consensus politician
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