- Created by: Chantelle..
- Created on: 18-05-18 16:13
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- hazards
- chemical
- cleaning products
- unlabled
- medication
- lack of security systems
- faulty smoke alarm
- window locks
- alarms
- environmental
- crowded areas
- trip hazards
- floor
- wet bathroom floor in a care home
- working practices
- unsafe
- lack of training
- long working hours
- lack of training
- biological
- spread infections
- used bandage left on the floor
- waste or body fluids
- working conditions
- too hot/cold
- poor lighting
- a child's bedroom being too cold
- musculosketal
- manual handlimg
- not using correct procedures
- straining/ pulling a muscle
- psychological
- stress and violence
- affect physical and emotional wellbeing
- tiredness caused by working hours
- chemical
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