Health and Social Care
- Created by: ellietuke
- Created on: 09-05-17 09:53
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- Health and Social Care
- 1. Lifestyle Choices and Behaviour
- Alcohol
- Physical: Slurred speech Vomiting Headaches Disturbed sleep
- Intellectual: Increase reaction times Inability to concentrate Unemployment
- Emotional: Violent outbreaks Enhance a positive mood Depression Isolation Irritability
- Social: Poor judgements, outbreaks in behaviour, hard to communicate, may not share similar attitudes
- Financial: Cost of alcohol can cause strain on funds, may prioritise, debt
- Smoking
- Emotional: Initially improves mood, increases anxiety, stimulates dopamine
- Intellectual: Initially can improve a person's concentration, withdrawal symptoms stop concentration
- Social: Can't smoke in public places, have to go outside, may not want smoke in friends houses, employers prefer non smokers
- Physical: Yellow skin, wrinkles, premature ageing, stained teeth, bad breathe
- Financial: Average smoker spends £600 a year, health impacts, unemployment
- Drugs
- Physical: Overuse can lead to kidney failure, cardiovascular damage, damage to lungs
- Intellectual: Hard to stay focused on a single task, fell anxious/unsettled all the time, low grades, unemployment
- Emotional: Unable to achieve desired mental state, become depressed, feel ashamed, Paranoia
- Social: Relationships are affected, abuse/violent nature,Unable to maintain connections, start to hang out with the wrong people
- Financial: Huge cost associated with getting drugs, risk of going to jail for posssession, bail
- Diet
- Physical: Healthy diet can increase strength, agility and speed, energy spikes and crashes, increased risk of major diseases
- Intellectual: Healthy diet can improve concentration, much more motivated, attendance is higher
- Emotional: Poor thinking and body image, depression, easier to maintain relationships
- Social : Improve a short temper, increase their appearance, more approachable, healthier attitudes
- Financial: Less cost from illness/medication, wont need time off of work, healthy food are more expensive
- Physical Activity
- Physical: Controls weight, prevents excess weight gain, boosts energy, sleep better, maintain muscle strength
- Intellectual: More motivated to complete tasks, energy levels are high, increased mental well-being
- Emotional: Prevent/treat mental conditions, reduce stress, boost self-esteem, enhances mood
- Social: Improved self-confidence, chance to meet new people, team sports, increase communication skills
- Financial: Decreased cost of health care, increased ability to walk, decreased cost of transport, cost of gym membership/equipment
- Community Based Activities
- Physical: Improved physical well-being, involve strenuous movement, adopt a healthier lifestyle
- Intellectual: Helps with future job opportunities, able to carry out everyday activities, improved outlook on life
- Emotional: Lower levels of depression, increase self-worth, gives a purpose
- Social: Developed social support, interaction, meet new people, family relationships could be weakened
- Financial: Rewards may be offered for hard work, don't get paid for the actual work
- Work-Life Balance
- Physical: No physical strain if the balance is right, can cause lack of sleep & physical exhaustion
- Intellectual: Able to have new experiences, increase mental capabilities, range of personal developments
- Emotional: Improved outlook on life, always in a good mood, lowers chances of getting stressed
- Social: Time to socialise with friends, meet new people, increase social skills, never make time for other people
- Financial: may not be abel to reach promotion standard as want to maintain a balance, spend more money on fun activities
- Antisocial Behaviour
- Physical: Involves risk taking, can cause physical strain, encouraged to take part in violent behaviour
- Intellectual: Takes students away from their studies, stops them attending, don't gain any qualifications
- Emotional: Anxious with the pressure to fit in, break relationships if don't share newfound interest
- Social: Meet new people, new 'friends' don't really care, may stop them from taking part in certain activities
- Financial: Criminal convictions can stop employment, fines, bail to get them out of prison
- Truancy
- Physical: Cant participate in PE lessons, miss out on 3 meals a day, may begin to take substances to pass the time
- Intellectual: Wont learn the importance of healthy eating. miss opportunities, cant access higher education
- Emotional: Lonley/isolated, beocme depressed, loss of confidence in themselves
- Social: Become friends with the wrong kind of people, increased crime rate, arent as many people to make friends with
- Financial: Aren't able to find a job, substance abuse can cause debt
- Alcohol
- 2. Life Events
- Birth
- Starting a new school/college/university
- Starting/moving jobs
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Bereavement
- Acquired Disability
- Serious illness/disease
- Victim/witness to a crime
- Moving house
- 3. Illnesses and Health Condition
- Hereditary
- Tourette's
- Tic present for at least a year- voal or physical
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Faulty genes affects how red blood cells develop
- Tourette's
- Genetic Predisposition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Untitled
- Spina Bifida
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Age-Related
- Osteporosis
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Combination of Genetic and Environmental
- Obesity
- Hereditary
- 4. Theories of Human Development
- Behavioural Social Learning Theory
- Bandura
- Constructivist
- Piaget
- Humanistic
- Rodgers
- Biological
- Cattell
- Operant
- Skinner
- Psychodynamic
- Freud
- Language Acquisition
- Behavioural Social Learning Theory
- 5. Applications of Theories
- GP Surgery
- Health Care Provided at Home
- Hospices
- Day Care Centre
- Residential Care Homes
- Sheltered Housing
- Playgroups
- Foster Homes
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Child Minders
- Colleges
- Prisons
- Remand Centres
- Pupil Referral Units
- Young Offender Institutes
- Nurseries
- 6. Strategies Associated
- 1. Lifestyle Choices and Behaviour
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