Health and Human Rights
- Created by: Sailing26880
- Created on: 24-05-18 16:49
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- Health Human Rights + Intervention
- Human Development, Traditionally measured by GDP, now HPI used
- Education; is central to economic development
- Algeria vs DRC
- Determinants of life expectancy
- Wider - occupation, education, income
- Lifestyle - smoking, diet, alcohol, drugs
- Preventative healthcare- immunisation
- North/South Divide of the UK
- Australia, Aboriginals vs Normal
- totalitarian regimes are run by elites with low levels of spending on education and health
- MDGs move to SDGs
- UDHR, Russia, South Africa didn't sign
- ECHR, enforceable by law
- Singaore economy over human rights to develop
- Index of corruption, Somalia-last, Denmark-first
- Post colonial states groups (gender ethnicity) have fewer rights (ATSI)
- Geopolitical Interventions
- Development Aid, Trade Embargoes, Military Aid, Military Action.
- Measuring success, Health, life expectancy, education levels, gender equality, freedom of speech, success of refugee management, GDP per Capita
- Haiti received development aid in many ways and has become aid dependent
- Oil in the Niger Delta
- Ebola = success, Haiti=failure
- USA- JOrdon Airbase, Colombia,
- China in Africa
- IRAQ war = faliure, SYRIA = success against weapons (chemical and biological)
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