Legislations in Health, Safety and Security
- Created by: Khadija
- Created on: 29-03-18 13:33
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- Health, Safety and security: Legislations
- Health and Safety at work Act (HASAWA)1974
- Encourages professionals work in partnership with other professionals to share information about an individual if required
- Management of Health and Safety at work regulations(MHSWR) 1999
- This Act puts duties on the employer
- Food Safety Act 1990
- Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
- Requires potential food hazards to be identified
- Ensures food labels are kept in case of an incident
- Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
- Ensures that managers avoid manual handling
- Reporting of Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013
- Employers should report and record any incidents and keep them for 3 years
- Data Protection Act 1998
- This Act ensures security of personal information
- Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) 2002
- Risk assessments should be carried out to minimise exposure to hazardous substances
- Civil contingencies Act 2004
- Organisations are encouraged to work together to plan how to respond to local and national emergencies
- Health and Safety at work Act (HASAWA)1974
- Untitled
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