Fitness Components
- Created by: Paul Newton
- Created on: 23-09-13 14:50
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- Fitness Components
- Speed
- What is it?
- Example
- Speed
- Example
- Time taken to move all body parts as quickly a posible.
- What is it?
- 100m sprint sprinting down the wing
- Strength
- Fitness Components
- Speed
- Speed
- Example
- Fitness Components
- What is it?
- Strength
- Example
- Strength
- Takaling in rugby, pushing in a scrum
- The amount of force the body can exert against a resistance
- What is it?
- What is it?
- Supplenes
- What is it?
- Example
- Supplenes
- What is it?
- Supplenes
- Reaching for a ball in rugby
- Example
- Example
- The range of movement possible at a joint
- Stamina
- Example
- To last the duration of the match, to reduce fatigue and maintain the skill level
- Example
- What is it?
- Stamina
- Example
- To last the duration of the match, to reduce fatigue and maintain the skill level
- Example
- The ability of the heart and lungs to work for a long time without becoming tired
- Stamina
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