Health and Social care - health promotion
- Created by: Sophie Chapman
- Created on: 12-05-13 20:38
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- Health promotion
- Aims of health promotion
- To prevent illness
- To increase physical fitness
- Benefits to individual
- More money available
- Aims of health promotion
- Approaches to health promotion
- Health promotion
- Aims of health promotion
- To prevent illness
- To increase physical fitness
- Benefits to individual
- More money available
- Aims of health promotion
- Educational / Behavioural
- Health promotion
- Make people aware of health issues
- Biomedical
- Approaches to health promotion
- Educational / Behavioural
- Approaches to health promotion
- Societal
- Eg; Ban on smoking in public places
- Eg; Leaflets, tv adverts articles in magazines
- EG; immunisation, smear tests, breast screening
- Biomedical
- Biomedical
- Eg; Ban on smoking in public places
- better role model
- Make new friends
- Improved fitness
- Better breathing
- Better health
- Increase in confidence + self esteem
- less likely to develop cancer
- Benefits to society
- Healthier population
- Benefits to society
- Benefits to society
- Reduce cost to NHS
- reduce number of deaths +injuries
- Average life expectancy may rise
- reduce cancer statistics
- Government decisions, laws made, population as whole rather than individuals
- Societal
- Societal
- Medical, ,specialised
- To increase awareness by giving information to people/ aim to encourage individuals to change behaviour