Food Labelling and Health Claims
- Created by: Bek
- Created on: 01-04-14 18:05
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- Health Claims
- Full Nutritional information must be provided on the pack if a health claim is to be made!
- No claims may be made for micronutrients with levels < 15% RDA per serving
- Content claims may only be made if they are on a list in the annex of regulation 1924/2006
- Only vitamins and minerals listed in the regulation may be added to foods in quantities that will have beneficial effects
- Content claims may only be made if they are on a list in the annex of regulation 1924/2006
- No claims may be made for micronutrients with levels < 15% RDA per serving
- Content claims may only be made if they are on a list in the annex of regulation 1924/2006
- Only vitamins and minerals listed in the regulation may be added to foods in quantities that will have beneficial effects
- No claims may be made for micronutrients with levels < 15% RDA per serving
- Comparitive claims may only be made between food/drink in the same category
- Any such claim may only be made where the reduction in content is > 30%
- The European commission will develop 'Nutrient profiles' with regard to the level of saturated far, sugar and sodium.
- Meeting this profile will be a condition in order to make nutrient or health claims
- Main changes to legislation are:
- Mandatory Nutrition
- Minimum font size
- Date of first freezing for meat/fish
- New definition of 'use by'
- Country of origin/provenance
- Allergens must be emphasised
- Full Nutritional information must be provided on the pack if a health claim is to be made!
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