Physical Education 1.1.1
- Created by: Michaela
- Created on: 24-04-14 14:28
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- Healthy Active Lifestyle
- Benefits
- Social
- Meet current friends
- Make new friends
- Develop cooperation
- Social mixing
- Work with others
- Physical
- Improve performance
- Increase fitness
- Improve health related exercise
- Physical Challenge
- Contributes to physical health
- Mental
- Mental challenge
- Increase self esteem
- Aesthetic appreciation
- Relieve stress
- Helps the individual feel good
- Contributes to enjoyment of life
- Social
- Reasons
- Physical challenge
- Can be satisfying
- Taking on a seemingly impossible task
- Competition
- Mental benefit
- Social mixing
- Involvement with others
- Can increase motivation
- Cooperation
- Working in groups
- Team sports
- Aesthetic appreciation
- Seeing beauty in a performance
- Physical challenge
- Benefits
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