9 Heath's Government
- Created by: Jake 101
- Created on: 30-05-17 15:18
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- Heath's Government
- Heath as leader
- Educated at state schools
- Too honest, good at policies not politics
- Well prepared, long time in opposition
- After defeat in 1974, backbenchers forced a leadership contest
- Thatcher emerged as leader in 1975
- Political and economic policies
- Selsdon Park, move to right
- School leaving age raised, decimal currency
- 'Barber Boom' tax cuts, inflation, but no economic growth. 'Stagflation'
- 'U-turn' to bail out rolls Royce
- 1973 Yom-Kippur, OPEC oil crisis
- NUM demand pay rise, 3 day week
- Industrial relations
- Industrial Relations Act, ballots, 'cooling off', didn't work
- 1972 Industry Act, unions and gov agree wages, prices and investment
- NUM demand pay rise, 3 day week
- Whitelaw moved to employment, miners refused, Jan 1974 national strike
- Feb 1974 General election, hung parliament, Unions brought down government
- Northern Ireland
- Violence, paramilitary e.g IRA, UVF
- 1971 internment, 95% catholic
- Jan 1972 Bloody Sunday, 13 deaths, violence increased
- Mar 1972 Direct Rule
- 1973 Sunningdale, power sharing
- Extremists branded it a sell out, mainland problems didn't help
- Heath as leader
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