Henry VII - consolidation of power
- Created by: Sophia
- Created on: 23-02-17 11:10
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- Henry's claim to the throne
- Henry VII - consolidation of power
- Main claim was through his mother's side, Margaret Beaufort.
- Claim through his father: his grandmother, Catherine had been married to King Henry V of England before she married Owen Tudor.
- His uncle Jasper took him to safety in France. He spent the next 14 years in Brittany.
- He was raised by his mother and uncle, Jasper Tudor.
- After various death (natural & from War of the Roses, he unexpectedly became the main Lancastrian claimant to the throne.
- Kind Edward IV felt threatened by potential claimant abroad. He tried to negotiate his return, but this failed.
- Edward IV suddenly died, his brother Richard was supposed to become regent but he proclaimed himself King, imprisoned (& murdered) his nephews, the heirs to the throne.
- Ruthless methods = mounting opposition.
- Failed rebellion by Duke of Buckingham weakened his authority further.
- After the rebellion defeat, Henry VII decided to try and claim the throne from Richard.
- Henry gained support from influential men & experienced soldiers e.g Earl of Oxford and Jasper Tudor.
- Received financial support from French King Charles VIII.
- Battle of Bosworth, August 1485
- It was the last significant battle of the War of the Roses, and planted the Tudor house on the throne of England.
- Henry VII earl of Richmond and a Lancastrian, defeated King Richard III, a Yorkist, at the battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485.
- Accession of Henry VII
- Henry VII - consolidation of power
- Even though he'd won the battle, Henry's claim to the throne was still weak.
- Henry's claim to the throne
- Main claim was through his mother's side, Margaret Beaufort.
- Claim through his father: his grandmother, Catherine had been married to King Henry V of England before she married Owen Tudor.
- Henry's claim to the throne
- 1. House of York through the de la Pole brothers (Earls of Lincoln and Suffolk) had claims to the throne.
- 2. Margaret of Burgundy, Edward IV's mother. Important trade partner with England. Showed her support for Yorkists throughout Henry's reign.
- Henry's advantages:
- Most people were tired of war & changes in power, so were happy to support royal power that would restore order and prosperity.
- Henry's objectives: to establish and secure his right to the throne. 2. to strengthen royal gov. by better control of nobility. 3. strengthen the monarchy and kingdom for future, by ensuring strong financial foundation.
- Accession of Henry VII
- Henry gained support from influential men & experienced soldiers e.g Earl of Oxford and Jasper Tudor.
- After the rebellion defeat, Henry VII decided to try and claim the throne from Richard.
- He was raised by his mother and uncle, Jasper Tudor.
- Threats to Henry's throne:
- 2. Margaret of Burgundy, Edward IV's mother. Important trade partner with England. Showed her support for Yorkists throughout Henry's reign.
- 1. House of York through the de la Pole brothers (Earls of Lincoln and Suffolk) had claims to the throne.
- How did Henry legitimise his claim to the throne?
- Was officially crowned as King
- Signified approval of the church
- Married Elizabeth of York.
- Rewarded his nobility that'd supported him in the Battle of Bosworth with titles.
- John Morton became Lord Chancellor 1486-1500, later Archbishop of Canterbury and a cardinal.
- Sir William Stanley became Lord Chamberlain
- His ability to maintain loyalty of talented nobles & his rewards of recognition and power = key elements in stability of his gov.
- His handling of opponents was carefully balanced.
- Dated his reign 21st August, day before Battle of Bosworth.
- Allowed him to treat Richard's supporters as traitors.
- He imprisoned Yorkists with better claims than his own e.g young Earl of Warwick.
- Dated his reign 21st August, day before Battle of Bosworth.
- Nobles whose loyalty was suspect were stripped of their land & titles.
- His handling of opponents was carefully balanced.
- Was officially crowned as King
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