Henry VI's polices
- Created by: rhianmc
- Created on: 26-01-24 20:20
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- Domestic Polices
- Weaknesses
- There were numerous risings in the early years of his reign including the Yorkshire and Cornwall rising.
- Due to Henry removing Yorkists from the throne, the Yorkist threat was big, especially due to Margaret of Burgundy. Due to a lack of Yorkist claimants, pretenders happened. E.g. Simnel's rebellion of 1486-8 and Warbeck's of 1491-99.
- Henry was an Ursurper and so controlling the nobility was always going to be harder than if he was a normal king.
- Henry lacked the experience of the country and the government and so strengthening the government would be hard.
- The Council Learned in Law was hated by many, mainly after 1504.
- Ireland was a huge problem for Henry as it was a Yorkist stronghold.
- Although JPs power was greatened, they were still dependent on other officials doing roles. Local officials didn't want to help and so Henry was dependent on goodwill to ensure justice was kept.
- Successes
- He married Elizabeth of York uniting the two houses which was important due to the previous years of instability of the English throne
- Henry used inducements and sanctions to control the nobility and gain everyone a chance to prove their loyalty to him.
- Henry limited the number of nobility he created and so they were easier to control.
- Henry also used attainders for good behaviour
- Henry's wife had many siblings and so Henry used them for marriages.
- He developed Councils of North, Wales and Ireland.
- Overall, Henry VII restored royal finances quite well.
- Weaknesses
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