Elizabeth I Government Historians
- Created by: Annabel Twose
- Created on: 11-05-13 16:01
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- Historians for Elizabethan Government
- Sloan
- Elizabeth's system of government changed remarkably little over her reign - 'cautious conservatism'
- The Northern Rebellion bears 'testimony to the regime's weakness in relying on provincial elites'.
- Haigh
- By the end of the reign, the Privy Council had become 'dangerously weak and narrow'
- There was no innovation and the success of her government is 'overstated.
- Yates
- The Virgin Queen was a Protestant substitute for the Virgin Mary
- Adams
- 'Faction wasn't important until the final decade of Elizabeth's reign'.
- Elton
- Local government was a 'huge success'.
- Her government provided the country with stability and 'she ruled through consent'.
- Starkey
- Leicester was the 'closest thing' Elizabeth ever had to a lover.
- Fraser says he wouldn't have wanted power
- Guy disagrees
- Fraser says he wouldn't have wanted power
- Leicester was the 'closest thing' Elizabeth ever had to a lover.
- Guy
- Elizabeth 'controlled her own policy more than any other Tudor'.
- Sloan
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