history nazi germany the wemiar republic
- Created by: shaggy1239
- Created on: 04-02-17 12:16
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- HistoryNazi Germany
- The Weimar Republic 1918-29
- The Treaty Of Versaillies
- The Treaty was a Diktat, germany were not invited to the negotiations and the Treaty was imposed upon them.
- Reparations were eventually fixed in 1921 at - 136,000 million marks (£6600 million)
- The army was limited to 100,000
- The 11 German colonies in Africa and the far east were given to victorious countries as, 'mandates'
- The navy was limited to 6 battle ships, 12 destroyers, 12 totpedo boats. No submarines were allowed. (The rest of the naval fleet was destroyed)
- - The German was not allowed in the Rhineland, which bordered France
- - Germany also lost land- Alsace and Lorraine were lost to France for e.g
- The Treaty was a Diktat, germany were not invited to the negotiations and the Treaty was imposed upon them.
- Dolchstoss - the stab in the back
- -The treaty of Versailles was partially unpopular because that their army had never been defeated in the war
- the politons became known as the 'November Criminals'
- - It weakened the popularity of the Weimar Republic
- - It caused lasting political protest
- - It harmed Germany's economy
- A New Constitution
- The Reich-stag were elected every four years (The members)
- The chancellor was the head of the government.The chancellor chose ministers and ran the country.But to pass laws, he needed majority support in the Reichstag
- The president was the head of state; the president was directly elected by the people every seven years.
- The president took no part in day-to-day government
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- He chose the chancellor (usually the leader of the largest party)
- He chose dismiss the Reich-stag, call new elections and assume control of the army
- Also, under Article 48, the president could suspend the constitution, and pass laws by degree
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- But the president was a powerful figure
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- He chose the chancellor (usually the leader of the largest party)
- He chose dismiss the Reich-stag, call new elections and assume control of the army
- Also, under Article 48, the president could suspend the constitution, and pass laws by degree
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- The president took no part in day-to-day government
- Weaknesses of the constitution
- During the 1920s, 28 parties were represented in the Reich-stag. To get majority support, chancellors needed coalitions of several parties - usually the social democrats and the centre party.
- But these parties all wanted different things, making stable goverenment difficult
- During the 1920s, 28 parties were represented in the Reich-stag. To get majority support, chancellors needed coalitions of several parties - usually the social democrats and the centre party.
- Economic Problems
- Bankruptcy
- Germany had spent all its Gold reserves on the war
- With no more Gold reserves left, by 1923 Germany could no longer pay for reperations
- Germany had spent all its Gold reserves on the war
- Occupation of the Ruhr
- Untitled
- Bankruptcy
- The Treaty Of Versaillies
- Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party 1919-33
- The Weimar Republic 1918-29
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