key germany dates
- Created by: GRC
- Created on: 27-04-17 15:06
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- History key dates 1918-1933
- 11th November
- WW1 armistice
- 6th January
- DAP founded by Anton Drexler
- 28th June
- Germany sign the treaty of versailles
- 1920
- The Kapp
- 1923
- Hyper inflation
- September 1923
- Stressemen appointed chancellor
- November 1923
- RentenMark
- November 1923
- The Munich Putsch
- 1925
- the Locarno pact
- 1924
- The Locarno pact
- September 1926
- Germany became apart of the league of nations
- 1928
- The Kellog Briand Pact
- 1929
- The Young Plan
- 3rd October 1929
- Stresseman Died
- October 1929
- Wall street Crash
- 30th January 1930
- Hitler appointed Chancellor
- 27th February
- Reichstag fire
- 11th November
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