History of Jazz Dance
- Created by: Erin00
- Created on: 10-05-18 11:35
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- History of Jazz Dance
- 1600s
- African-American slaves brought syncopated rhythms to America
- Used stamping, tapping, clapping and vocal sounds
- African-American slaves brought syncopated rhythms to America
- 1920s
- 1930s
- Swing dance emerged
- Lindy Hop, Balboa, Collegiate Shag, Charleston and more
- Swing dance emerged
- 1940s
- Dance halls closed - dance moved to the stage
- Performed by professionals trained in ballet and modern
- Technological advances - colour, lighting effects, camera effects etc.
- Musicals revolved around stars - MGM produced many dance musicals
- Dance halls closed - dance moved to the stage
- 1950s
- Rock n Roll music (Elvis) influenced new kinds of social dances
- Revival swing era
- 1960s
- Civil Rights Movement
- Bus boycott
- New social dances
- Monkey
- Mashed potato
- Civil Rights Movement
- 1970s
- Grease
- A Chorus Line - Michael Bennett
- Breakdancing
- Originated from Puerto Rican and African American youths
- Variations include toprock, downrock, power moves and freezes
- 1800s-1900s
- Early 20th century: Vaudeville acts, comedy interludes and dance numbers were provided by directors
- Minstrel shows emerged - white entertainers parodied slaves
- Popularized African-style of dance and music
- 1600s
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