History revision
- Created by: Faolan
- Created on: 29-05-13 18:58
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- History
- Axis
- Britain, France, USA
- Why did the Germans lose against USSR
- Russian Winters dropped to seriously low temperatures (-40)
- The Germans were unprepared- the Germans did not have the proper clothing needed to withstand the weather
- One troop of 88 men were only supplied with 16 coats and boots
- Within a week over 150,000 men had frostbite and froze to death at their posts
- Snow made invasion difficult as vehicles literally could not moved
- Hitler forbade the men from retreating and many froze to death
- Hitler moved his men to Stalingrad from Moscow. this tired his army and he lost some on the wway
- Russian Resistance
- The Russians showed huge determination and fighting spirit. they refused to back down
- The Russians used the scorched earth policy
- The Russians viewed each other as Comrades. and valued each other as much as themselves.
- The Russians were used to harsh weather conditions
- The Russians surrounded the Germans at Stalingrad killing over 200,000 men
- Why did Britain Win
- British pilots pushed themselves To the limit showing great work ethic.
- The spitfire and Hurricane were an even match to the Messerschmitt.
- The British developed a RADAR system.
- Allies
- Russia, Austria, Germany Italy Japan
- Hitler's mistakes
- Hitler ordered German planes to fly close together this made them an easy target
- The Planes could only hold 30 mins worth of fuel
- Germans were training 800 pilots a month wether Britain were training 200.
- Hitler believed they would win because of this. Hitler was too confident and arrogant
- Hitler had 824 pilots a month n=but Britain had 591 This also made him arrogant
- Hitler believed they would win because of this. Hitler was too confident and arrogant
- Why did Hitler invade USSR
- Resources
- Ambition to destroy communism
- Living space in the East
- Defeated French 6 weeks- believed his army was superior.
- Believed Russian people who hate communism would welcome him.
- Axis
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