- Created by: danielle
- Created on: 28-07-14 10:56
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- History -1929
- The great depression
- What happened: Began in the US after the fall in the stock markets worldwide news went out in october aswell know as black tuesday.
- Cause; The wall street crash the us stock markets crashed leading on a depression known as the great depresson.
- Effects:
- less children could afford to attend and work in schools
- forming of hoovervilles
- Rapid increase in crime rate.
- Stavation and illness increase
- Untitled
- October 29th 1929
- Wall street crash
- What happened: The American stock markets crashed with the jobs of thousands along with their homes.
- Cause: The stock markets fell and investing was high at the time when the stock markets crashed.
- Effects:
- soup cafes were open to all for those who could not afford food for family as it was impossible to find jobs.
- people could not afford home and became homeless
- no jobs meant no money equal no food
- September -October 24 1929 (Also known as Black tuesday)
- when america sneezes the whole world gets a cold.
- The great depression
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