History(Health and the people; medicine stands still)
- Created by: JemimaStubbs
- Created on: 27-06-21 14:47
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- Medicine Stands Still
- Disease and the Supernatural
- Disease had supernatural causes
- *Many believed disease was caused as a punishment from god for their sins. To show their errors and makes them better people and therefore to cure the disease was through prayer and repentance
- Disease could have been caused by evil supernatural beings, demos or witches, many witches were believed to cause outbreaks of disease and therefore many were tried and executed
- Evil spirits living inside people’s body causes disease, the church used chants to remove the evil spirit
- Church’s influence on medicine
- Roman Catholic Church dominated the ay people studies and thought
- Church made people believe disease was a punishment from god, prevented people from trying to find cures for disease and they believed the only way was to pray
- The church made sure medicine was learned from Galen’s ideas and stopped them disagrees with him
- The church outlawed dissection so they couldn’t learn about human anatomy instead learnt about Galen’s incorrect ideas
- Disease had supernatural causes
- Disease and the Supernatural
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