The Rise of the Nazis
- Created by: Nitika
- Created on: 29-10-12 15:08
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- Hitler becomes dictator of Germany
- Chancellor Hitler calls another election
- Reichstag fire enables him to increase control of Reichstag
- March 1933 Hitler forces through his Enabling Act
- June 34 Might of the Long Knives- Hitler removes oppositions of Rohm
- March 1933 Hitler forces through his Enabling Act
- Reichstag fire enables him to increase control of Reichstag
- 1932: 6 million unemployed
- Hitler used depression to promise things
- Stands against Hindenburg
- Nazi largest party
- Nazis lose seats in Nov 32 but still largest
- · Became chancellor 1933
- Nazis lose seats in Nov 32 but still largest
- Nazi largest party
- Stands against Hindenburg
- Hitler used depression to promise things
- Chancellor Hitler calls another election
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