Use of violence and intimidation to consolidate power
- Created by: Hannah
- Created on: 27-05-13 09:46
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- Hitler use violence and intimidation - consolidate power
- violence and intimidation
- Day of Potsdam
- showing support for army and Hindenburg
- Demonstrate power and influence; message to opponents - have a lot to contend with if want to overthrow
- Support coming from powerful figures -enemy of Nazis means enemy of state
- Kroll Opera House - 23rd March
- banning KPD members from entering - SA intimidating members
- Nazis could get 2/3 majority
- banning KPD members from entering - SA intimidating members
- Gauleiters as regional governors
- impossible for opponents to get away
- stricter regime, intense intimidation - violence can be used more freely
- Dachau (April 1933)
- Hindenburg unlikely to object
- helping to remove the 'enemies of the state'
- Goering allowed police to use firearms
- firearms 'must be used ruthlessly'
- Reichstag Fire
- used Lubbe as scape Goat - remove communist opposition
- 4000 arrests made
- Day of Potsdam
- Legality
- begins filling cabinet with Nazi sympathisers
- January 1933 - Goering - Frick - VonPapen
- March 1933 - Goebbels for minister of propaganda
- December 1933 - Rohm introduced
- Malicious Practices Law
- outlawing all opponents undermining the state
- Restoration of Professional Civil Service
- Removal of Jews from army - blocked by Hindenburg
- KPD members outlawed illegally from new Reichstag
- Restoration of Professional Civil Service
- Enabling Act March
- 441 votes - 94
- begins filling cabinet with Nazi sympathisers
- Hitlers leadership
- rallying point behind NSDAP
- helping to co-operate and spread control
- otherwise remain splinter party (during 1920s)
- Presence at Potsdam - March 1933
- civilian clothing - appeal to class
- depiction of dominance over people
- Hohenzollerns house- significant to people and elites - carry on authoritarian rule
- Creation of cult leader - stayed duration of him being in power
- - radio broadcasts
- torch lit parades (immediately after chancellorship)
- after depression lightens the mood
- promotes his paty as being better than Weimar - times will change
- Became the primary face in Germany - like celebrity
- rallying point behind NSDAP
- Propaganda
- Kroll Opera House
- Implications of culture and civilisation
- perhaps show Hitler as being powerful
- more influential for middle/lower classes in aiding them to vote
- limited for the elites - never been that fond of him anyway
- not that great- helping him to edge closer to consolidating power
- Modernist
- wanting to impress Germans (despite being a party of the past)
- 1932 election - arrived by plane
- for example use of radio - understand them
- wanting to impress Germans (despite being a party of the past)
- Goebbels - impact to intimidate people
- helps encourage people rather than ham people which could have effect of urning people away
- alliance with Hugenberg - 1928 against Young Plan
- access to vast media empire
- help with money - shown to wide audience - popularity
- Kroll Opera House
- violence and intimidation
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