How Hitler Gained Power of Germany
- Created by: izzygmcc
- Created on: 19-01-16 08:32
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- How Hitler Gained Power of Germany
- The Night of the Long Knives
- NOLK took place on the night of the 30th June and continued till the following evening
- Hitler used the NOLK to get rid of the threat of the SA and there leader Rohn
- After the NOLK the army swore allegiance to Hitler
- This was how Hitler got rid of anyone he thought was against him
- This helped Hitler gain power of Germany as he gained the support of the army and got rid of any opposition that was left
- Hindenburg's Death
- Hindenburg died 2nd August 1934
- After his death no one could stop Hitler
- Hitler gave himself the title "Fuhrer" of Germany
- The Enabling Act
- This law when passed allowed Hitler to make and law he wanted without consulting the Reich
- The Enabling Act was passed in March 1933
- This allowed Hitler to gain power as he had total rule over Germany and couldn't be challenged.
- Reichstag Fire
- The Nazi's blamed the Communists for the fire.
- Van Der Lubbe a schizophrenic was found by the fire and was blamed.
- Van Der Lubbe was a Communist.
- On the evening the SA arrested the main Communist leaders
- By blaming the fire on the Communists Hitler was able to get rid of the main opposition to him.
- Banning of the opposition
- In July 1933 Hitler banned oppositional parties so the only legal party was Germany.
- This helped Hitler gain power as it allowed him to call an election and win it without having any other opposition.
- The Night of the Long Knives
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