Hitler's Rise to Power
- Created by: lou9119
- Created on: 03-05-16 17:16
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- Hitler's Rise to Power
- The Nazi Party (1920s)
- 1919- Hitler joins the Nazi Worker's Party 1920- Hitler renames it the NSDAP 1921- Hitler becomes leader of the party, the Fuhrer and sets up the SA 1923- Hitler is arrested for the Munich Putsch 1924- Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison. 1925- Hitler rebuilds the party and introduces new tactics and structure (getting German's votes) to destroy democracy from the inside. 1928- Nazis do terrible in the general election and only win 2.5% of the votes.
- Their beliefs:
- Democracy should be destroyed and the Fuhrer should be the single leader.
- The Aryan Germans are the master race and all other races are inferior.
- German's should be united in one country.
- Communism was to be destroyed.
- The Aryan race would need to conquer 'living space' LEBEN-SRAUM in eastern Europe.
- The Wall Street Crash and The Great Depression (1929)
- This made the Weimar Republic look weak as Article 48 was created, this also proved that democracy wasn't working.
- Increase in support for extremist parties. i.e Nazis and Communists.
- Nazi Election Success
- Nazis helped to reduce unemployment1928 - 2 million 1930 - 3 million 1933 -6 million
- Nazis appealed to a wide range of society.
- Middle-class they fear depression and that communist governments would confiscate their property.
- Farmers took about 40% of the entire country and Hitler won their vote by hating on Stressemen's ideas.
- Big Businesses were attracted to the party because they liked the idea of rearmament and hated communists.
- Tactics:
- Hitler's success in being an excellent orator.
- Nazi promises such as solving the economic crisis, ignoring the ToV and building a strong Germany.
- Nazi organisation raised money from business men and looked impressive to the German society.
- Propaganda, run by Goebbels through the Olympics, Mein Kampf (out-selling the bible), radio, cinema, loudspeakers and posters.
- Combating communism.
- Hitler becoming Chancellor
- The method of the Chancellors: Bruning, (terrible) Von Papen, (calls new elections as he can't get support) Von Schleicher (can't get enough support from the Reichstag) and then Hitler who is helped by Von Papen, then killed.
- Reichstag Fire (February 27th 1933)
- Enabling Act (March 23rd 1933)
- KPD - Are all in prison due to the Reichstage Fire.
- SPD - Socialists are the only ones who vote against this Act.Otto Wels is the chairmen of the party.
- Centre Party - 2/3 of the vote and they vote Nazi because they can keep their jobs.
- Nazis vote... Nazis
- Catholics vote Nazis as Hitler promises to protect and give them there space. CONCORDAT signed July 20th 1933 to keep peace between the two.
- Middle class hated the Weimar and Hitler protects business interests, they vote Nazi.
- Nationalists are part of the NSDAP and Hitler planned to make the economy better, they also hated the Weimar.
- The Nazi Party (1920s)
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