Hitlers rise to power
- Created by: :-D
- Created on: 22-05-18 16:45
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- Hitlers rise to power
- Propaganda
- Hitler appointed Joseph Goebbels as minister of propaganda-> meant he could change the truth to suit Hitlers needs
- produced range of propaganda leaflets and posters that depicted Hitler as hero and Savior
- used simple effective slogans such as "work and bread" and Hitler our last hope"
- Helped Hitler get votes
- Germans believed its was Jews who were to blame
- Great depression
- stock market on wall street crashed- USA thrown into great depression
- couldn't afford to afford to keep lending money to Germany- were forced to call back their loans
- led to great depression hitting Germany as well
- couldn't afford to afford to keep lending money to Germany- were forced to call back their loans
- Germany suffered poverty, hunger, homelessness, unemployment
- people fed up- wanted a solution
- german people were ready to listen to Hitlers claims that he could fix Germany's problems by tearing up treaty of Versailles, destroying Weimar government, building army and expelling Jews
- people fed up- wanted a solution
- stock market on wall street crashed- USA thrown into great depression
- Political scheming
- Reichstag-> in trouble
- government had different political parties who couldn't agree on any issues
- no problems could be solved
- government had different political parties who couldn't agree on any issues
- Hindenburg was ruling the country
- needed support from Nazis as they had become largest single party in Germany
- Hindenburg offered position of vice chancellor to Hitler
- thought with Nazi support, they could solve problems in Reichstag
- Hitler refused and declared if they wanted support from Nazis- he would have to be head chancellor
- Hitler agreed- thought he could control Hitler and use him to their will
- Hitler refused and declared if they wanted support from Nazis- he would have to be head chancellor
- thought with Nazi support, they could solve problems in Reichstag
- Reichstag-> in trouble
- Personal qualities
- He was a good organizer and politician
- His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him.
- Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power over people.
- clear on what he hoped to achieve as Germanys leader
- supported by muscle of SA
- SA/ organisation
- as Hitler took control of Nazi party, he set up SA
- group of men who kept order at mass rallies and beat up any opposition to Hitler
- acted like Hitlers personal army
- became known as brown shirts
- when Germany suffered poverty, people turned to Nazis
- SA and Hitlers plans made them look proactive and well organised
- Propaganda
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