Hitler's Rise to Power
- Created by: Alice Clews-Smith
- Created on: 17-04-13 17:24
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- Hitler's Rise to Power
- Great Depression
- Nazis increased popularity - promised to make Germany great again.
- Nazis grew to over 300,000.
- The Weimar couldn't sort out Germany's problems so people started to look for a new leader.
- Hitler stood again Hindenburg in the 1930 elections.
- Nazi Party
- July 1923, the Nazi won 230 seats, they were the biggest party.
- November 1932 elections Nazis lost 34 seats in the Reinstag
- Hindenburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor in Jan 1933.
- Hitler called for another election in March 1922, hoping to make the Nazi party stronger.
- Nazis 1933
- They controlled the news media.
- Opposition meetings were banned.
- They used the SA to terrorise opponents.
- A fire broke out in the Reichstag building and Hitler whipped up opposition against the communists, who he said started it. Mass arrest of communist followed.
- Hitler was allowed emergency decress to deal with the situation - and he used these powers to intimidate communist voters
- Hitler Changed the Law to Keep Control
- Nazis won 288 seats but no majority.
- Hitler declared Communist Party Iliegal.
- Hitler brought in an Enabling Bill which was passed with threats and bargaining.
- This bill let him govern for four years without parliament and made all other parties illegal.
- The Night of the Long Knives.
- Hitlers biggest threat was Ernst Rohn.
- Hitler sent his own men to arrrest Rohn and others.
- Several people were killed. Any potential opposition had been stamped out.
- A month later Hindenburg died. It was the beginning of a dictatorship.
- Great Depression
- July 1923, the Nazi won 230 seats, they were the biggest party.
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