Hospitals, Doctors & Training
- Created by: Julia
- Created on: 31-05-13 15:22
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- Hospitals, Doctors & Training
- Late Middle Ages
- physicians for rich
- studied Galen at university
- urine and astrology charts
- studied Galen at university
- For the poor
- barber surgeon
- apothecary
- wise women
- hospitals run by monks
- part of the monastry
- care not cures
- physicians for rich
- Renaissance
- physicians stopped using urine and astrology charts
- surgeons
- discoveries of renaissance and work of hunter brothers improved training
- midwives
- invention of forceps
- men began to dominate midwifery
- by 1750s surgeon apothecaries began to emerge (like modern GP)
- invention of forceps
- Industrial Revolution
- 1815 Apprentice Act
- hospitals and nursing made more professional by Florence Nightingale
- Nightingale School for Nurses 1860
- improved sanitation (water, drains, sewers) and ventilation
- nurses studied hard, wore uniform, became skilled assistants rather than cleaners
- nursing also improved by anaesthetics and antisceptics
- poor law unions built infirmaries and fever hospitals with resident doctors 1860s
- rich still avoided hospitals
- paid subscriptions to voluntary hospitals
- hospitals were free to attend
- paid for by workplace and church collections
- late 19th c growth of pharmaceutical industry and patent medicines
- based on developments in chemistry and technology
- 20th Century
- 1911 National Insurance Act gave working men access to a doctor
- 1902 Midwives Act meant that midwives had to be trained and registered
- 1948 NHS
- Nationalised health care
- hospitals were under government control
- health care was free
- access to wide range of technology, vaccines and cures
- computers
- scanners
- ultrasound
- key hole surgery
- Late Middle Ages
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