How did the Weimar democracy manage to survive its early problems by 1924?
- Created by: emilyanderson
- Created on: 30-03-17 12:04
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- How did the weimer republic survive its early problems?
- Other factors
- despite hyperinflation workers didn't suffer as much than they did when there was mass unemplyment
- German resentment was channeled more to the french than the republic
- Although there was distress and disillusionment in 1923, hatred for the republic had not yet reached critical
- the weaknesses of weimars opponeents
- the Failure of the left was because...
- Most German workers supported the spd who were opposed to revolution
- Extreme socialists were divided eg. communists and socialists
- The army and freikorps willing to take strong actions against left wing threats
- The judiciary passed harsh sentences on left wing activists
- Left wing attempts wwere badly planned and poorly oprgansised
- Failure of the right was because ...
- Nazis had little support in 1923
- Kapp putsch had quickly collapsed
- Right wing radicals rarely did well in the elections
- Right wing groups weren't united
- the Failure of the left was because...
- Actions of stresemann
- Called off passive resistance in the ruhr
- promised to resume reparation payments
- August 1923 government led by Gustav Stresemann leader of DVP
- Set in motion plans to introduce new currency
- Weimar republic support
- The fact that it survived the 1923 crisis suggests a sign of political strength
- Given that both right and left extremists lacked support there was no clear alternative to the republic
- The actions of Ebert
- Called in the army and freikorps against spartacists 1919
- And did the same thing whenever the communists threatened the republic in 1920
- used artical 48 to rule during the munich putsch
- Called in the army and freikorps against spartacists 1919
- Other factors
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