Witte's Great Spurt
- Created by: Tudordoll
- Created on: 20-04-16 16:08
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- How did Witte implement his Great Spurt?
- Resurrected Reutern's idea about inviting foreign experts to come to Russia
- returned to taking out foreign loans
- raising tax and interest rates
- to boost capital for industry investment
- 1897- placement of the Rouble on Gold Standard to give possible investors confidence in its value
- insisting that most of the investment goes to heavy industry and the railways
- plans for further industrialisation managed by state with a move away from private enterprise
- 1893 - Russia still dependant on agriculture
- Witte devoted to industrialisation
- improve Russian military
- Witte tried to compete with industrialised nations Untitled
- "substitution effect" ( improve industry at agricultures expense
- Witte devoted to industrialisation
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