How effectively did the Nazis control Germany?
- Created by: joeholland253
- Created on: 01-04-17 14:30
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- How effectively did the Nazis control Germany?
- Nazi Party
- Began with 33% of the Reichstag and less than 1/3 of Germany voted nazi
- Untitled
- Reichstag Fire - February 1933 and the Enabling Act 1933
- The Nazis blamed the fire on the KPD and scared people with Communism
- Started the Enabling Act as it was an emergency
- Hitler could make laws without the Reichstag or Presidential support
- Banned all trade unions
- Banned all other potential opposing parties
- January 1933 - Only Nazi leaders in power.
- Started terror tactics with the ** and Gestapo
- Spied on everybody to make sure they were in line
- People started Denounciation
- More power for Hitler
- Hindenburg died 2nd August 1934
- Hitler had full power and became Fuhrer
- Made people take an allegiance to Hitler
- Hitler had full power and became Fuhrer
- Hitler could make laws without the Reichstag or Presidential support
- Began with 33% of the Reichstag and less than 1/3 of Germany voted nazi
- Didn't control it well
- 1.5 Million children up to the age of 18 didn't join the Hitler Youth
- Many opposed it
- Rival gangs such as the Eidelweise Pirates and the White Rose encouraged people to ignore Hitlers requests.
- Listened to American music.
- Nazi propaganda made out the depression was better than it actually was
- The KPD and Trade Unions could have potentially made it very difficult for Hitler as they controlled the working classes.
- 2 Million SA men
- Big threat to Hitler
- Night of the Long Knives
- Killed many opponents including Ernst Rohm.
- Little stood in his way
- Killed many opponents including Ernst Rohm.
- Night of the Long Knives
- Big threat to Hitler
- 1.5 Million children up to the age of 18 didn't join the Hitler Youth
- Nazi Party
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