How far do you agree that the credit for industrializing Russia in the period from 1855 - 1956 Can only be given to Stalin?
- Created by: Tudordoll
- Created on: 28-04-16 17:35
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- How far do you agree that the credit for industrializing Russia in the period from 1855 - 1956 Can only be given to Stalin?
- Stalin Vs Lenin
- Stalin
- Collectivisation
- 5 year Plans
- Khrushchev
- virgin Land Campaign
- aim to increase amount of land 2 be cultivated similar 2 Stolypin's creation of the Kulacks
- by 64 165 million acres been given to production of wheat
- reduction in soil fertility
- Long term production and productivity fell
- focused on organization of agricultural farming
- expense of production through state farms
- Ministry of Agriculture - planning and implementation to advisory role
- virgin Land Campaign
- Khrushchev
- 5 year Plans
- Collectivisation
- Stalin
- rejecting
- Stalin Vs Lenin
- Untitled
- Alex III
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