How pressure groups are undemocratic
- Created by: JCarver
- Created on: 16-06-15 19:41
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- How PGs undermine democracy
- Lobbying
- EU
- Numerous amounts of PG lobbyists
- 2011 TransparencyRegister aimed to enhance accountability and imposer stricter rules on lobbying
- BUT it is optional to join, PGs don't have to sign up
- Lots of protective interest groups that from peak associations
- ACEA; represents 15 car manufacturers including BMW, Volvo, Renault
- Key policy concerns of CO2 emmissions, road charging, European safety standards
- ACEA; represents 15 car manufacturers including BMW, Volvo, Renault
- Iron triangles
- Defence Dept, Defence contractors, Senated Armed Services committee
- don't factor in public interest
- Linked to revolving door where politicians may be more favourable to certain groups to get job there after
- Bill Tauzin represented Louisiana's 3rd district for 25 yrs and chaired healthcare committee
- Then became President of PHRMA - huge role on Obamacare
- People exploit their knowledge of and contacts to further PG interests at a price
- Fprd employ a Vice Presideny of Governmental Affairs; Ojakl - former deputy assistant to Bush for Govt affairs
- Bill Tauzin represented Louisiana's 3rd district for 25 yrs and chaired healthcare committee
- K street corridor
- Registered lobbyists doubled 2000-2005
- Iron triangles
- UK
- Retired army officers as secret lobbyists for manufacturers trying to make deals with UK army
- Linked to revolving door where politicians may be more favourable to certain groups to get job there after
- Bill Tauzin represented Louisiana's 3rd district for 25 yrs and chaired healthcare committee
- Then became President of PHRMA - huge role on Obamacare
- People exploit their knowledge of and contacts to further PG interests at a price
- Fprd employ a Vice Presideny of Governmental Affairs; Ojakl - former deputy assistant to Bush for Govt affairs
- Bill Tauzin represented Louisiana's 3rd district for 25 yrs and chaired healthcare committee
- Linked to revolving door where politicians may be more favourable to certain groups to get job there after
- Retired army officers as secret lobbyists for manufacturers trying to make deals with UK army
- Idea that political influence can be bought
- Considered very important and influential PG method
- Importance of money
- More important in federal systems with numerous access points
- Germany
- PGs can target 1 of 3 federal branch and or state level govt
- MADD is state based PG as campaigns for seatbelt laws/ sobrierty checkpoints etc
- MADD is state based PG as campaigns for seatbelt laws/ sobrierty checkpoints etc
- More democratic as more opporutinitesfor political participation
- less important as less access points in parliamentary govt
- UK
- insider outsider status more important as PGs seek to influence govt
- insiders = Britsish Medical Associations and Confederation of British Industry (peak associations)
- undemocratic when govt allows too much insider status
- insiders = Britsish Medical Associations and Confederation of British Industry (peak associations)
- insider outsider status more important as PGs seek to influence govt
- Germany is parliamentary
- UK
- More important in federal systems with numerous access points
- EU
- Importance of money
- More important in federal systems with numerous access points
- Germany
- PGs can target 1 of 3 federal branch and or state level govt
- MADD is state based PG as campaigns for seatbelt laws/ sobrierty checkpoints etc
- MADD is state based PG as campaigns for seatbelt laws/ sobrierty checkpoints etc
- More democratic as more opporutinitesfor political participation
- less important as less access points in parliamentary govt
- UK
- insider outsider status more important as PGs seek to influence govt
- insiders = Britsish Medical Associations and Confederation of British Industry (peak associations)
- undemocratic when govt allows too much insider status
- insiders = Britsish Medical Associations and Confederation of British Industry (peak associations)
- insider outsider status more important as PGs seek to influence govt
- Germany is parliamentary
- UK
- More important in federal systems with numerous access points
- Lobbying
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