Denazification essay question
- Created by: Amelia Louise Harris
- Created on: 07-04-16 14:02
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- How successfully by the mid 1950's had the policy of Denazification, as agreed upon at Potsdam, been carried out in Germany
- Soviet success
- By September 1949 4000 new trainee teachers had been put i place in EG
- A major reconstruction of society, including class divisions
- 520,000 Nazis were removed from government and industry by 1949
- Soviet failures
- Lack of consistency, many were treated harshly however others were let off
- the use of political cleansing
- the use of concentration camps as internments camps, 53,000 people died in these camps
- Many executed without trial
- Western failures
- in the late 1950's many were given back their jobs in the civil service including a full pension
- Percil certificates
- A lack of consistency between zones
- march 1946 "law for liberation from national socialism" dealt with the easiest cases first, others were often disbanded
- school systems weren't radically restructured
- "the effects of the western allies policies were to feed the collective amnesia" Fulbrook
- Western success
- 870,000 Nazis were removed from their jobs ( at least temporarily)
- 230,000 Nazis were detained
- They viewed each case individually
- From June 1945 people could appeal the decision to remove them from their jobs
- Many people were re-educted through the media
- The Potsdam agreement
- Uniformity of treatment
- Nazis would be tried for their crimes
- Nazis would be removed from major political positions
- Re-education for the German People
- Untitled
- Joint successes
- Nuremberg trials
- 21 major Nazis were tried and charged
- New and incriminating evidence was revealed
- they were of "extreme importance to millions of people all over the world" (Lawrence)
- "the trails did not help to deal with the far bigger question f what to do with and how to transform a society which had been steeped in Nazism" Fulbrook
- The Nazi party was disbanded
- There was no re-emergence of Nazism
- Nuremberg trials
- Joint failures
- Many of the German people were detached, they didn't recognise guilt
- "collective amnesia"
- a lack in uniformity between all zones
- Many Nazis escaped punishment by fleeing or suicide
- Many of the German people were detached, they didn't recognise guilt
- Denazification was abandoned by 1947
- "Any more thorough purging of society would have led to a complete breakdown in public life" Rauh- Kuhner
- Soviet success
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