How are females represented in music videos?
- Created by: Selina Swift
- Created on: 24-08-13 18:53
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- How are females represented in music videos?
- Beyonce
- Represents 'empowering women'
- But still dances provactively, and writes songs aimed at effectively looking up to men
- Her 'assets' are heavily admired and exaggarated
- Therefore, not such a positive image for women.
- Her 'assets' are heavily admired and exaggarated
- But still dances provactively, and writes songs aimed at effectively looking up to men
- Represents 'empowering women'
- Depends ongenre
- Dance, Rap, R&B & some Pop etc tend to be more sexualised
- Nicki Minaj
- DJ Fresh
- Miley Cyrus
- Rhianna
- Drake
- Indie, Country, Acoustic etc tend to be more toned down
- Taylor Swift
- Adele
- The Lumineers
- Ed Sheeran
- Emile Sande
- Different son topic/content- love/romance, feel good, powerful songs with a message
- Often focus on creating a powerful, positive image for women conveying a message
- Dance, Rap, R&B & some Pop etc tend to be more sexualised
- Beyonce
- Provocative
- Put on a podium - admired
- Disrespected
- Demoralising
- Supposedly less intelligent
- Inferior to men
- How are females represented in music videos?
- Beyonce
- Represents 'empowering women'
- But still dances provactively, and writes songs aimed at effectively looking up to men
- Her 'assets' are heavily admired and exaggarated
- Therefore, not such a positive image for women.
- Her 'assets' are heavily admired and exaggarated
- But still dances provactively, and writes songs aimed at effectively looking up to men
- Represents 'empowering women'
- Depends ongenre
- Dance, Rap, R&B & some Pop etc tend to be more sexualised
- Nicki Minaj
- DJ Fresh
- Miley Cyrus
- Rhianna
- Drake
- Indie, Country, Acoustic etc tend to be more toned down
- Taylor Swift
- Adele
- The Lumineers
- Ed Sheeran
- Emile Sande
- Different son topic/content- love/romance, feel good, powerful songs with a message
- Often focus on creating a powerful, positive image for women conveying a message
- Dance, Rap, R&B & some Pop etc tend to be more sexualised
- Beyonce
- Disrespected
- Demoralising
- How are females represented in music videos?
- Stereotyped - 'dumb blonde'
- Hold less value/worth than men
- Therefore can be treated as such
- Inferior to men
- They are an object
- Inferior to men
- Thought of as a conquest that can be won
- Inferior to men
- A possession they can claim they own/control
- They are an object
- Thought of as a conquest that can be won
- They are an object
- Grouped together, e.g. "Hey **** ladies" as opposed to the use of first names - all given the same lower status
- Women can often appear to be worshipping the male gender, and constantly seeking approval and attention
- Male Satisfaction
- Women can often appear to be worshipping the male gender, and constantly seeking approval and attention
- 'Assets' are highly exaggarated
- Thought of as sexual objects - with no personality, feelings or emotion etc
- Hold less value/worth than men
- Therefore can be treated as such
- Stereotyped - 'dumb blonde'
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