How did Hitler become Chancellor?
- Created by: Alice Edwards-King
- Created on: 02-05-15 10:50
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- How did Hitler become Chancellor?
- July 1932 elections, the Nazis won 230 seats.
- The Weimar Constitution said that the Chancellor should have the support of most of the Reichstag.
- Hitler felt he should be Chancellor as he had the majority of support.
- Hindenburg used Article 48 to appoint von Papen as Chancellor instead of Hitler as he hated him.
- Von Papen had hardly any support, but Hindenburg thought that he could create a right-wing party containing the DVP, DNVP and the Nazis.
- When Hitler was offered the coalition, and to be vice-Chancellor he declined.
- Hindenburg was forced to keep ruling using Article 48 as von Papen had no support.
- Another election was held in November 1932. Nazis only gained 196 seats.
- General Schleicher persuaded Hindenburg to let him become Chancellor.
- Von Papen went to Hitler, and together, drew a secret deal.
- Hitler would be Chancellor if von Papen could be his vice.
- They made Germany think Schleicher was preparing a communist takeover.
- 22nd January 1933, von Papen went to Hindenburg with the idea but he refused.
- By 28th January it was clear Scheicher had failed.
- Hitler was made Chancellor on the 30th January 1933.
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