How did the Nazis control sport?
- Created by: sammilaw
- Created on: 16-03-14 19:08
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- How did the Nazis control sport?
- Sport was encouraged in school and the Hitler Youth.
- He wanted a healthy and fit nation - the boys were to be the soldiers of the future and the girls were to produce as many children as possible.
- Success in sport also promoted the Nazi regime.
- 1936 Olympics
- Media from 49 countries were at the Olympics.
- Nazis could show the world that Germany was a modern, well-organised society.
- Staged in Berlin.
- Showed that Aryans were superior.
- The Olympics was a great public relations success.
- Media from 49 countries were at the Olympics.
- The Olympic Stadium was the largest in the world. 110,000 spectators.
- Signs saying 'Jews not wanted', were removed - Foreigners got a positive image of Germany.
- News reports and filming were controlled.
- Germany won the most medals - 33 Gold, 26 Silver and 30 Bronze.
- Sport was encouraged in school and the Hitler Youth.
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