How do atmospheric systems cause heavy snowfall, intense cold spells, heatwaves and drought and in what ways do they represent a hazard to people?
- Created by: Jake199
- Created on: 12-05-14 20:46
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- How do atmospheric systems cause heavy snowfall, intense cold spells, heatwaves and drought and in what ways do they represent a hazard to people?
- High Pressure
- Anti-cyclones
- Settled weather
- Extremes of temperature
- Caused by atmospheric cells
- Air rises in st the equator and in the mid latitude zones. This air circulates and falls at different latitudes, creating high pressure belts in the subtropical and polar regions
- Large mass of subsiding air
- Hot, sunny, dry, calm weather in the summer
- Cold, sharp crisp days in winter
- Frost and fog common i n winter and autumn
- Winds blow out from center in a clockwise direction
- Winds usually light
- 1/4 on average of UK weather
- Sometimes Blocking Anticyclones sit over Europe
- Low Pressure
- Depressions
- Unsettled weather
- Fair/mild weather
- Last on average 2 days in Uk
- Warm air is undercut at a cold front, and rises creating low pressure
- The Great Storm, October 1987
- Economic impact- £2 bn in damage across southern Britain
- Social impacts
- 16 killed
- 1.3 m buildings damaged
- 1 m without power
- Environmental impact- 15 m trees uprooted
- Poor forecasting
- Wind major problem, with speeds of 115 mph
- North American snow storm
- 14th-17th Feb 2014
- 22 killed
- 1.2 m homes lost power
- Low of 968 mbars recorded
- Max snowfall of 0.7 m
- $15+ m of physical damage
- Large economic cost
- 550000 businesses without power
- 6500 flights cancelled on 13th
- The Sahel
- Lies in the high pressure belt and so experiences wet and dry seasons
- Suffering from drought since 1980s
- Human activities such as overcultivation, overgrazing, and collecting firewood have led to dersertification and land degradation
- Leads to crop failure and famine
- Plague of locusts in Niger in 2004 destroyed remaining crops
- 18 m people facing food crisis and more than 1 m children under 5 risk severe malnutrition
- Short-term aid helps, but development aid is required
- Farmers need to be educated better
- High Pressure
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