How Successful Was The Reign Of Louis XVIII?
- Created by: BF
- Created on: 01-04-14 19:14
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- How Successful Was The Reign Of Louis XVIII 1815-1824?
- Personality And Beliefs
- Believed in his divine right as king- yet kept his views out of the public eye
- Failing health 1820 onwards- dominated by Charles Comte D'Artois
- Social and Economic Polcies
- 1st Restoration 1814-15
- The 1814 Charter
- Constitutional Monarchy
- 2 Chambers- Peers and Deputies
- King is Head of State- Can veto any amendments to bills, choose ministers and introduce legislation, dissolve parliament and head of the army
- 2nd Restoration 1815
- Congress of Aix-La-Chapelle
- Indemnities of 700 million francs
- France was reduced to its 1789 borders
- Allied troops occupied France- Cost the French more money etc
- A Change In Policies
- Assassination Of Duc De Berry
- Resulted in an ultra backlash
- Only reproducing heir- continuing the bourbon legacy
- Assassinated by Louvel- Assumed a Bonapartist
- Dismissal of Decazes- replaced by Richelieu
- The White Terror 1816
- Ultras led by Charles Comte d'Artois
- Assassination Of Duc De Berry
- Political and Religious Policies
- The Chambre Introuvable
- The Pays Legal
- Supported Louis XVIII
- Successes
- By 1818 the indemnities for the 2nd restoration were paid
- Appointed capable, popular ministers
- Decazes (5th)
- Richelieu (2nd, 4th and 6th)
- Tried to work with parliament- accepted constitutional monarchy
- Resisted pressure from the ultras 1816-1824
- Chambre Introuvable
- Aix-La-Chapelle
- France are once again one of the Great European powers
- Supported Spanish King against rebels- 1823
- Failures
- The White Terror 1816
- Bonapartists persecuted- Execution of Marshall Ney, 7000 arrested killed or imprisoned
- Replaced Tricolour with the Bourbon Flag
- Early mistakes-Concern about aristocratic influence, hence Napoleon was welcomed back during The Hundred Days
- Put nobles in charge of the household guards
- Early mistakes-Concern about aristocratic influence, hence Napoleon was welcomed back during The Hundred Days
- Put nobles in charge of the household guards
- The Hundred Days
- Undermined Louis XVIII return- Foreign powers felt betrayd by the French Paople
- Chambre Introuvable 1814-15
- Wanted to destroy the charter and parliament and the return of emigres land
- Ultras dominated parliament
- The White Terror 1816
- Foreign Policy
- Spanish rebels suppressed- France supports Spanish King
- Showed the strength of Frances army and more confidence in foreign policy
- Not domestically supported as it was deemed as ancient regime- counter revolutionary
- Spanish rebels suppressed- France supports Spanish King
- Personality And Beliefs
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