Human Impact on the Environment
- Created by: Georgiaclaire
- Created on: 01-10-19 10:08
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- Human Impact on the environment
- Why species are at risk?
- Extinction
- Endangered Species
- Why species are threatened?
- Overhunting
- Pollution
- Loss of habitat
- Natural Selection
- Non-contiguous populations
- Conservation
- Ecotourism
- Education
- Protecting habitats
- Gene Banks
- Why conserve?
- Ethical reasons
- Agriculture and horticulture
- Potential medical uses
- Agricultural Exploitation
- Deforestation
- Forest management
- Preserving natural woodlands
- Overfishing
- Fish farming
- Methods of regulating fishing
- Effects on other wildlife
- Sustainability and decision making
- Environmental impact assessments
- Why species are at risk?
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