Human Rights 1+2. What is meant by human rights? + What are the variations in women’s rights?
- Created by: DanBish
- Created on: 06-05-22 19:24
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- Human Rights. 1 and 2
- What is meant by human rights?
- Human Rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world from birth until death. They apply regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life. They can never be taken away.
- Human rights norms
- They are the foundation of human rights
- Basis of established customs and ways of living drawn from all cultures, religions and philosophies
- They all apply to everyone without exception.
- It is the state’s responsibility to ensure these norms are adhered to. However individuals also have a responsibility to respect the human rights of others.
- No one right is more important than any other. They are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
- What are the variations in women’s rights?
- Educational opportunities
- Social norms
- Cultural beliefs and practises
- Support from government and companies for childcare
- Social acceptance of women as contributors
- Discrimination in employers
- Sectoral structure of labour market
- Reproductive health services
- Economically + socially dis-advantaged women less likely to gain access to health services, information and education.
- Early marriage and early child bearing. 1 in 3 teenagers marry before 18 and 1 in 9 before 15 in developing nations
- Giving birth
- Education ends
- Job prospects diminish
- Vulnerable to poverty and exclusion
- Health suffers, increased maternal mortality
- Employment opportunity
- Significant improvements in female involvement, especially under the MDG to achieve universal primary education
- Girls still suffer severe dis-advantages and exclusion in education in poorer countries particular in rural areas and among rural poor
- Female education is important
- Fall in fertility rates, population growth rates, and infant morality rates
- Family health and child nutrition improved
- significant reduction in poverty
- Educational opportunities
- What is meant by human rights?
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