GCSE Health and Social Care A913
- Created by: purple26
- Created on: 13-06-13 20:52
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- Human Growth and Development
- Infancy 0-3
- Physical Development
- 3 to 4 months- infants start on solid foods, develop better head control, can rool from side to side, reach for objects.
- 6 to 9 months- teething begins, learns to sit unaided, lift their heads and look around, use thumb and index finger to grasp objects.
- 9 - 12 months- can crawl, chews food, use their he
- 12 to 18 months- toddlers learn to feed themselves, walk unaided, cqan understand simple request and develops better memory and concentration.
- Physical Development
- Childhood 4-10
- Key Words
- Development - different to growth and happens when a person gains new skills, abilities and emotions.
- Growth - refers to an increase in quantity or size.
- Infancy 0-3