- Created by: sarah
- Created on: 15-04-19 11:43
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- Humans
- Media Language
- steve Neale
- Jean Baudrillard
- Postmodernism > cannot tell difference between things that are pretending to be real and things that are real.
- Trodrov
- Narrative
- media industries
- Hesmondhalgh
- minimising risk >adaptation to a series that already exists
- Livingstone and Lunt
- Regulation > offering protection from harmful or offensive material
- Baudrillard
- Hyperreality >synths
- Hesmondhalgh
- Media Audiences
- Uses and gratification
- Two step flow
- Jenkins
- Fandom>fans take an active part in the construction of contextual meanings
- Uses and gratification
- Representation
- Bell Hooks
- Feminist theory
- -Radical - marxist -liberal
- Feminist theory
- Bell Hooks
- Media Language
- Repetition and difference
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