Ideology and Science
- Created by: BWards18
- Created on: 14-06-17 16:27
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- Ideology and Science
- Open Belief Systems
- Popper
- Believes science is an open system as theories are open to scrutiny, critics and testing by others
- Science is governed by the principle of falsification
- Merton
- Science has grown due to its support from other institutions
- Argues that science needs these norms to serve the goal of increasing sciemtific knowledge
- Communism - Scientific knowledge is not private property
- Universalism - Judged by universal testing and criteria
- Disinterestedness - Committed to knowledge for its own sake
- Organised Scepticism - No knowledge is scared
- Popper
- Closed Belief Systems
- Kuhn
- Science works within a single paradigm
- Science is based on a shared set of assumptions
- Scientists are socialised into a single paradigm
- Interpretivists develop these ideas further and say science 'facts' are a product of shared theories and paradigms that tell them what they expect to see
- Kuhn
- Marxism, Feminism and Postmodernism
- Marxism and Ideology
- See society as divided into two opposed social classes
- False Class consciousness to mask exploitation
- Proletarait and Bourgeoisie
- Hegemony and Revolution
- GRAMSCI - Ruling class ideological domination as ideology and argues that W/C can develop ideas to challenge the ruling class hegemony
- Dual Consciousness - ruling class ideas and ones they develop in response to oppression
- It is possible to for them to overthrow capitalism but it needs a political party to spread the 'class consciousness'
- GRAMSCI - Ruling class ideological domination as ideology and argues that W/C can develop ideas to challenge the ruling class hegemony
- Ideology of nationalism
- Marxism - argue its a form of false class consciousness
- Functionalists - Secular civil religion which unites everyone into a single national community
- GELLNER - Nationalism is a modern phenomenon, industrialisation created large scale impersonal societies
- MANNHEIM - He believes all belief systems are partial or one-sided to serve a particular groups interests
- Ideological thought - Justifies keeping things as they are
- Utopian Thought - Justifies social change
- Marxism and Ideology
- Open Belief Systems
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