- Created by: Amber Manley
- Created on: 14-01-14 15:27
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- Immunology
- Cells
- macrophage
- phagocytosis
- dendritic cell
- antigen uptake
- neutrophil
- phagocytosis
- eosinophil
- killing of parasites
- mast cell
- release of granules containing histamine
- NK cell
- releases lytic granules to kill virus infected cells
- macrophage
- Innate Immunity
- Antigen independent
- No time lag
- non-specific
- no immunological memory
- Physical barriers
- Skin, gut villi, lung cilia, mucus, etc
- cells involved
- phagocytes
- macrophages
- neutrophils
- recognise patterns specific to microorganisms
- oxygen independent
- phagosome fuses with lysosome
- oxygen dependent
- binding of bacteria increases O2 uptake
- NADPH oxidase forms superoxidase anion
- can be reduced to OH* (radical)
- or H2O2
- oxygen species damage bacteria membrane
- reactive nitrogen
- induction of nitric oxide, produces nitrogen species
- NK cells
- infected and malignant cells
- on contact, release, toxic granules
- punch holes in membrane
- release cytokines
- mast cells
- contain cytoplasmic granules that cause inflammation
- releases histamines, anticoagulants, cytokines
- phagocytes
- Adaptive Immunity
- antigen dependent
- lag period
- antigen specific
- memory
- exposure to invaders, induced
- Humoral
- b-cells
- produce antibodies known as immunoglobulins
- cell mediated
- T cells
- T helper cells
- T helper 1
- produce cytokines
- that activate macrophages
- T helper 2
- activate b-cells to produce antibodies
- T helper 1
- cytotoxic T cells
- recognise antigen
- lethal hit of perforin to create pores in membrane
- Untitled
- T helper cells
- T cells
- Cells
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